import numpy as np import cv2 import os import time def sendAPICall(APICall): #function to write on the shared callAPI.txt file fileCallData = open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w') fileCallData.write(APICall+'\n') open('shared data\\returnAPI.txt','w').close() #clear shared returnAPI.txt file endProg, retPD, retLensMov, retNoOp=False, False, False, False clockCycle, numOfTimePoints, stepsAllowedPerTimePoint, PDoptimal , lensPosList= 0, 0, 0, 0, [] fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') while (True): #listening to API return values while(os.stat('shared data\\returnAPI.txt').st_size != 0): #true if API writes any return values on the shared returnAPI.txt file open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w').close() #clear shared returnAPI.txt file fileRetData = open('shared data\\returnAPI.txt','r') #read API return values from the shared returnAPI.txt file inData=(',') print(inData) open('shared data\\returnAPI.txt', 'w').close() #clear shared returnAPI.txt file ###### if inData[0]=='start': #true once the API starts (only for the first time) #API returns all the API parameters clockCycle, lensPos, timePoint, scene, numOfTimePoints, focusStackSize, AFobjective, sharpnessMeasure, kernelSize, roh, stepsAllowedPerTimePoint = int(inData[1]), int(inData[2]), int(inData[3]), inData[4], int(inData[5]), int(inData[6]), inData[7], inData[8], int(inData[9]), int(inData[10]), int(inData[11]) scNum, rNum, shNum, kNum =3, 3, 0, 0 #scNum: scne number (3: Scene 4), rNum: region selected (3:face region), shNum: sharpness measure (0:Sobel), and kNum: kernel size (0: size of 3) sendAPICall('setScene('+str(scNum)+')') #select Scene 4 time.sleep(15) #wait for the API to upload the scene selected to the main memory. It takes time becuase we upload the whole scene of 50xn (scene's time points:51,61,71,or91) images to the main memeory for faster implementation open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w').close() sendAPICall('setRegion('+str(rNum)+')') #set region to global time.sleep(1) open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w').close() sendAPICall('setSharpMeasure('+str(shNum)+')') #set sharpness measure to Sobel time.sleep(1) open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w').close() sendAPICall('setKernelSize('+str(kNum)+')') #set kernel size to 3 time.sleep(1) open('shared data\\callAPI.txt','w').close() sendAPICall('recordScript()') #start recording API calls open('shared data\\returnAPI.txt', 'w').close() currentImage=cv2.imread('shared data\\img.png') #read the image returned by the API, the user will get an image at each clock cycle video = cv2.VideoWriter('objective videos\\AF_Scene'+str(scNum+1)+'_obj'+str(rNum)+'.avi', fourcc, 70, (currentImage.shape[1], currentImage.shape[0])) time.sleep(1) elif inData[0]=='end': #API returns 'end' when the scene ends (after the last time point in the scene) sendAPICall('endScript()') #stop recording API calls and save the metadata about the performance (e.g., total number of lens movements) open('shared data\\returnAPI.txt', 'w').close() endProg=True break elif retPD: #retuen of callPD() clockCycle, timePoint, currentImage, lensPos, PDoptimal=int(inData[0]), int(inData[1]), cv2.imread('shared data\\img.png'), int(inData[2]), int(inData[3]) #return current clock cycle, gobal time (current time point), image, lens position, and optimal lens position retPD=False elif retLensMov: #retuen of moveLensForward() and moveLensBackward() clockCycle, timePoint, currentImage, lensPos=int(inData[0]), int(inData[1]), cv2.imread('shared data\\img.png'), int(inData[2]) #return current clock cycle, gobal time (current time point), image, and lens position retLensMov=False elif retNoOp: #retuen of noOp() clockCycle, timePoint, currentImage=int(inData[0]), int(inData[1]), cv2.imread('shared data\\img.png') #return current clock cycle, gobal time (current time point), and current image retNoOp=False ###### if clockCycle%stepsAllowedPerTimePoint==0: #callPD(0) when time point ti incremented (at each time point) sendAPICall('callPD(0)') retPD=True #To read retuen values of callPD(0) elif PDoptimal>lensPos: sendAPICall('moveLensForward()') retLensMov=True #To read retuen values of moveLensForward() elif PDoptimal<lensPos: sendAPICall('moveLensBackward()') retLensMov=True #To read retuen values of moveLensBackward() else: sendAPICall('noOp()') retNoOp=True #To read retuen values of noOp() lensPosList.append(lensPos) #write lens position into a list video.write(currentImage) #write current image into a video object if endProg: break'AF_Scene'+str(scNum+1)+'_obj'+str(rNum), np.asarray(lensPosList)) video.release()